Our projects

Experience by Sector by Project

Society Empowerment Organization (SEO) has a rich history of impactful projects across various sectors. Our experience is broad and deep, reflecting our commitment to addressing the multifaceted needs of the communities we serve in Afghanistan.

Project: Projects: Community Courts Observation, Access to Justice, Women Empowerment, School Feeding, Humanitarian Aid, TVET, and Legal Aid

Impact: Building the capacity of local CSOs, NGOs, and CBOs through grants management, training, system development, community engagement, and advocacy

Partners: United State Institute of Peace (USIP), USAID funded projects, Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI), UNESCO, IOM, UN-WFP & INGOs

Program & Operation Management:

Sub-grants Management

M&E and Capacity Building of CSOs, CBOs and NGOs

Technical Assistance, Mentorship


Humanitarian Aid and Emergency Response:

Projects: Food Distribution, School Feeding Program, Nutrition (SO1), CBT and Earthquake Response

Impact: Provided immediate aid to over 500,000individuals affected by natural disasters, including food, shelter, nutrition and cash assistance.

Partners: UN-WFP, IOM

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Children Received Nutritious Items

Men and Women Received Food Items

Nutrition, Feeding, and Health Education Programs

Projects: Nutrition, School Feeding Program, Health Education Training, Health Technician Training

Impact: Provided critical nutrition for children and mothers; provision of health education training for Health sector staff

Partners: UN-WFP, CARE International, and other local and international organizations.

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women received Super Cereal distribution

children under 5 years old received LNS (Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements)

men and women participated in Health Education Sessions


Education and Literacy:

Project: Community Based Education, Skill-Based Literacy, Youth and Adult Literacy and Basic Education, General Basic Literacy

Impact: Community-Based Education and Adult Literacy Enhancement improving literacy rates among youth and adults by 80%.


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Skill-Based Literacy

Received Community Based Education (CBE), Youth and Adult Literacy and Basic Education program


TVET, Workfoce Development and Employment and SME Support:

Projects: Afghanistan Workforce Development Program (AWDP), TVET, Apprenticeship, Capacity Building and Supportive Services for Women, Teacher Preparedness Training

Impact: Trained 8,783 individuals in market-relevant skills, with 85% of placement and starting their own businesses. Creation and growth of 2,400 small enterprises, contributing to economic stability in several communities.

Partners: Creative Associates, CARE International, ARD/USAID, US Embassy, IOM

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Entrepreneurship & BDS

Received Workforce Development, TVET & Apprenticeship


Legal Assistance and Advocacy

Project: Strengthening Access to Formal Justice Through Advocacy and Public Participation, Community Court Observation, Develop Case book for Law Subjects, Human Rights Awareness, Election Awareness Program

Impact: Offered legal education and assistance to over 6,100 individuals, promoting human rights and access to justice.

Partners: United States Institute of Peace (USIP), International Development of Law Organization (IDLO), Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

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Received Legal Training, Awareness

Received Legal Assistance


Research, Assessment and Validation:

Project: The Women’s Changing Role in the Public Sphere, Assessment of Implementation Credit System in Law and Sharia Faculties, TVET Education/ Third Party Validation

Impact: Fact finding, Assessment, Validation of Higher Education System, TVET and Women Role for policy making and education strengthening.

Partners: The World Bank, Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

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CurriculumAssessed and Validated Community Based Researches

Individuals, TVET Students


Reintegration of Immigrants, Returnees and IDPs

Project: Provision of Market-Based Vocational Skills and Business Development Trainings for Afghan Returnees, Deportees, and lDPs; Vocational Training Apprenticeship and BDS Business Development Services Reintegration of Afghan Refugees from Iran & Pakistan (RARIP)

Impact: Increased social cohesion and reintegration of 2,792 Immigrants, Returnees and IDPs and provided essential services.

Partners: IOM, IDLO

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Immigrants, Returnees and IDPReceived Reintegration, Access to Justice and Social Cohesion services
